Showing posts with label sewing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sewing. Show all posts

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Standard Sewing Measurements for BJD- a work in progress

 What if I compiled measurements based on all the doll bodies I could get my lil' hands on, in cm, based on this standardizing method for measuring?

Minimum for Male/curveless/bustless dolls
1. Shoulder to shoulder
2. Neck base to shoulder
3. Neck
10. High Bust or underarm
13. Shoulder to waist.
15. Back neck to waist
16.17. Arm measurements
18. Total arm
19. wrist
21. Spread hand, whichever is largest
22. hips at "modern pants" height
23. Hips around butt
25. Waist to hipline
26,27,28. Crotch front, back and total
29. Thigh
31. waist to ankle
33. inseam
and over his foot at the heel at the widest part, since that's what pants have to fit over

And all 30 odd bits of info for female dolls.

I could do it every time I sew for one of them, just take the notes and add it to a small database.  I think I'll just start with a list of my own dolls, maybe in the Pages section...It'd be good for my own reference.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Shtuff gets DONE When I Get Bored

Because I have nothing else to doooooooooo!

I am sick in bed. I do not take this well.

Not even after years of experiencing it many times, sometimes for weeks or months at a time. I am not good at being stuck in one spot. I have so much stuff to do, and I can't do any of it because I am too sick and tired and achey to sit up unsupported for very long and certainly should stay wrapped up warm in bed.


I've been staying busy by blogging, reading and handling business email stuff like an adult look at me adulting all over, and then I started doing bits of hand sewing.

I ended up making Chioma's entire outfit except her coat and boots. Her little top needs a touch more work ( I don't have the right colors of thread, of course. See, that's amusing because I have a stash of thread like Knitting People have yarn stashes or Magic Card Game people have Magic Card decks. I have over 40 reels of threads in about 4 or 5 different kinds of thread. Just not the ones I need. Ever.) ...but it's more or less done. I even made a headband for her wig, and a bit of jewelry.

Chioma is a Chibi Unoa B Grade Roron on the Hannari body. She's going to be dyed a dark brown, ignore her ghostliness for now.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Moira's Armor (minifee muscle girl mod)

I started to make her outer armor. Here she is with the plated skirts, and a waist cincher thingy made of something's scaly hide. I forgot to take pics of the process making the skirt but for the shoulder part of her outer armor I have documented the work, and I can promise I did the same thing earlier to make the skirty parts. She's also sporting a new shirt and new long riding pants made from bias cut green linen.

I cut the shape for this top part out of a burnt orange/red fabric I have that is a kind of fuzzy velveteen. I've seen various historical armor coats-of-plates made with an outer layer of similar stuff, so doing this on a fantasy armor isn't too far a stretch. I edged it in the same green trim the skirts have, although the weathering on the skirt parts makes it hard to see the color of the trim there! Making this outer armor in two pieces without much around the middle means that the waist belt part will not have to sit on top of layers of bulk, and we keep her general outline pretty slim.

Every last one of those little metal discs gets stitched on by hand. I did the same thing on the skirts.

Test fitting! Hey, not bad. 

Next I mix up some of my weathering and distressing formula and go to town on the armor, making sure it looks like used armor, and not like shiny new armor. That string there gets used to lace this top part up in the back. You can also see the lil' belt I made and weathered up.

All together now!

Hey not bad at all. I am debating adding small shoulder pauldrons, but for light riding armor, this is looking believable. I am going to give her some bracers to protect her forearms, once I figure out how they will fasten on without bulky fastenings...

I made some tack for the horse, too. That might get stirrups but is almost complete.

Heeheehee. She's finally coming together.

Sneak preview: Next time, what does an adventurer take with her when she rides? She's gonna need some luggage.

Coming soon, saddlebags, bedroll, rucksack, and personal effects!

Monday, August 11, 2014

The White Faun- experiments with Angelina Fibers

This is my Soom Adamelli, an MSD sized doll with clear resin hooves. She doesn't have a head yet but I'm awaiting a Resinsoul Ju head with long elfy ears. She's going to be a pale forest fae, ethereal and feminine.

 I'm experimenting with making her clothes, after failing to find anything for sale that would work for her. This garment was made with Angelina hot fuse fibers. I will try again once I get more fiber, but this is a cool looking start, I thought.

So far she has no name.