From a Character Interview thingy on "Den of Angels", a BJD forum.
Kevya is a character of mine from a Novel-In-Perpetual-Progress that I've been working on for years.
Being able to make a BJD that looks pretty much like him has been a goal of mine since I got into this hobby. I think I've almost got the doll how I want it.
Doll Mold: Iplehouse Barron Mod
Face up: me
Eyes: Bright blue
Hair: Black
Age: Unknown
He's from a medieval world, and he's... a rather strange person. I'll let him answer but I may add comments.
If you were to describe yourself with one word, what would it be?
Wolf. That's one of my names.
What is most important to you in the world?
Right now, Lir. He saved my life, and probably my soul too.
Would you help someone who needed it while passing?
I... suppose so.
Are you very observant?
How innocent/naive can you be?
I was once. I'm not anymore, except maybe where court social life is concerned, but I'm under no illusions.
Can you entertain yourself easily?
I suppose. I can always spend time watching what's happening around me.
How well do you get along with others?
I don't... really like people. Especially not crowds.
What was the longest time you had a friend?
Before I was a slave, back in the north, I had friends I knew for years and years...
Do you have someone who knows you inside out?
Yes, and I pray never to meet him again.
How short is your temper?
That depends on what is bothering me. I am normally patient.
Can you let go of grudges easily?
I don't form them easily, but I doubt I ever let go of them. Some things I cannot forgive.
Do you read?
When I can.
How long do you stay interested in something?
As long as is needful.
Do you know your parents/creator?
No. I was found on the tideline after a storm, half drowned.
What is your birthday?
I don't know.
Do you have any siblings?
None that I know of.
Ever have to fight for what you believe in?
I've had to fight for my life. I believe in surviving. Now I fight to guard Lir. I believe in him.
When did you move out on your own?
A year or so after I was found, I left the house of the people who took me in and built my own small home.
When did you REALLY mature?
I've always looked this same age, somewhat. I feel so much older and more worn having been a slave. Years were taken from me.
Did you have many friends?
I did, before being made a slave.
Any action you regret?
Every murder I was forced to commit in the fighting arena.
What is a memory you treasure?
Everything from before the arena is vague and faint, but I remember being married to my wife. I remember loving her.
Do you have a dream partner?
I haven't dreamt like that in a long time.
Do you believe you seek someone like your parents(or creator)?
I wouldn't know.
Do you have one night stands?
Do I what?
What feature is most attention grabbing for you?
In a woman? Her temperament. If she is unpleasant, her face hardly matters.
What MUST someone have for you to consider them?
Older, younger, same age as you?
I don't know my own age- Who am I to say?
How do you feel about settling down?
If I could, I think I would.
How many dates before you go to bed with someone?
Beg pardon? ... I would want to be married to a woman before I gave myself to her.
How do you handle rejection?
I'm not sure.
How many times did you stop something before it developed?
...I don't understand the question.
Have you settled down and if so for how long?
I was married once for fourteen years. She died.
Any Children?
No. I could not give her children. She had born a child of a previous marriage who had died in infancy, so she could have carried a child...
What do you love most about your partner?
It's hard to remember- Everything before the arena is so hard to recall- I loved her laugh. I loved her eyes. I loved being held by her.
Any petnames?
What? No.
How many relationships have you been in?
Elrehanna was my wife's name. She died of a fever.
There was a... woman who was employed by my owner, when I was a slave- that doesn't count.
Have you ended any?
I killed that woman. Snapped her neck.
Has your heart been broken?
Any loves you cannot have?
My wife is gone, and I have grieved for her.
Do you believe in true love?
I think I had it once.
Have you ever died?
What? No, if I had, we would not be talking. [He has died, he doesn't remember]
Can you even die?
Well, yes.
Have you seen someone die?
Too many.
Have you killed someone?
Too many to count.
Have you had someone killed?
What makes you truly happy?
Now? Being safe. Being with Lir, out in the countryside.
If you could, what is one thing you would spend your life doing?
I intend to spend it serving my King.
Do you have a job, if so what is it?
I am Lir's guard.
Have you ever gone insane?
Wha-? Yes. Yes I have and I'd prefer not to talk about it.
Did you ever feel as if you were the only sane one in the world?
If you had a choice, would you live a calm eternal life, or live a wild short life?
Peace doesn't sound so bad.