Sunday, September 1, 2024

Dolly state of the Workshop, 2024


 The FIFTH year of the Pandemic is almost over. Is the pandemic? No, but people are pretending it is. *RANT*

Double Ugh. I still cannot go out in public much, due to surges. Autumn is my time to go outdoors though, so I can still attend outdoor things. 

I will add pics to this post as I take them- this blog is less for anyone to see nowadays than it is for me to log what I'm working on.

So... I STILL have the Rose of Venice, a restoration project Asleep Eidolon Yara, and she's partly dressed and needs painting. I have made her camicia/chemise. Next is the body of her gown I think. I want to do Documentation on this project and submit it under Arts and Sciences at some SCA Event. If I didn't have other stuff to do, I'd aim to have it done by Toys For Tots Event in November.

The DF-H Xiao Chan in 1/5 size did turn out to be named Clara. I gave her an overall pinky dye job as she was just TOO pale. She has a Snowflake and a Waltz of the Flowers costume from The Nutcracker, made these last two winters. This year I've been doing her Nightgown from the Battle Scene.

I've got a second doll in that size concepted out to be my Alice in Wonderland. I can use Clara as a model to make Alice's clothes and things. I am trying to make her look like the John Tenniel illustrations. I've also got plans for a future Cheshire cat 1/6 companion for her.

The Brother Martin doll head is on the shelf, next to a Saith head (another OC) doll and a Mallory head (another OC) I am keeping them on Bust Stands, along with my Self Portrait Nakana doll Panya head that will be painted to look like me. It's seriously exactly my face! Yves' doll was too tall bodied so I switched him to a Doll Leaves body that isn't here yet. the Volks body went to my Dollshe Aramis who is becoming my RPG character Rosslyn.

I have two Fantasy Minifees waiting their turns. Ondine is a Celine with a Sia seahorse tail I want to make a tailfin for, and Joscelin is a faun Mirwen head. One of my only doubles.

I have this totally odd Cartoony face Ramcube Q-bi doll on a chunkier Myoudoll Anime1/4 body and she's a dyed doll that is nothing like my other dolls... but we'll have to trust the process on her. She's meant to be different. More Western Dolly looking. She keeps getting named Stacey in my head, so that's sticking, and she's the one on the workbench at the moment. I am going to use working on her to get my hand back in for a season of Blushing and Faceups this Fall and Winter.

I also have a couple of other peoples' dolls on the workbench and those take priority over my stuff. I have sculpted and made molds for these doll finger repairs I'm doing, and those are very exciting- going to try casting in resin! Gotta make some fingers for repairs, and then make a headcap to replace a missing one.

...And Barleysugar the Deermouse STILL needs blushing.